MANIFESTING IN THE LIGHT - CO-CREATING PARADISE AND THE CITIES OF THE FLAMEThis 266 page manual recounts messages channelled from nature spirits and guides on a three year journey in Bali, Greece and Australia. These include details of promises which when called upon, can re-create a planet into a paradise and activate ‘Cities of the Flame', eternal cities powered by heartlight and nurtured by earth guardians that were a part of pre-Atlantean culture.
This manual includes in full detail, a process for activating water supplies and re-creating earth grids to bring conditions where the manna of heaven can manifest on earth, bringing the ‘milk and honey' of creation and a paradise. It can be applied at home or in communities, cities and towns. -Discover how honouring our promises to care for life can bring bounty and abundance to a community or city -Assist with the recreation of tantric earth stars and the lightbodies of cities to co-create peaceful civilisation -Experience the energies of desire, unconditional acceptance, faith, gratitude, trust and truth to bring sovereignty, fulfilment and freedom in society -Remember how to bring natural justice and grace to earth as a planetary guardian Excerpt from Manifesting In the Light - Co-creating Paradise and the Cities of the Flame As we bring presence to our cities, held and nurtured by our flame, they become our treasure, braided in a flowing, living fabric with the hearts of all creatures and elements to whom we have made our prayer and shown our mettle, our substance. When we honour the elements, earth, water, air and the flame, creatures weave with us in a wave and we can learn to see with the eyes of eagles, walk with the surety of tigers. Our heart union births a dimension where agendas are apparent. The power of the wave we form with the creatures and forces of life is far greater than any law, enforced doctrine or perceived cartel of power. Soul-less agendas, that do not resonate with the multi-portal heartflame of life are severed. Where dimensions are rich, cities support only the pure of heart. This is why it has been said that the meek shall inherent the earth. In a city of the flame, every soul is protected. It is a function of the divine alchemy of our transition that the power of the life braids linking all will rework anything that does not support their pulse. All that is, is the stage for an unbroken promise, a promise ensouled by us as part of our legacy. As we merge ourselves with the tantric stars in the heart of the earth, our minds flow with truth and we can open death-doors for life to cross. So our planet alchemises beyond polarity and we reclaim our planetary sovereignty, our ability to navigate between stars and galaxies, re-awakening all of our memories on a cellular level. Ancient sharp light waves are moving in, bringing with them new truths and removing our conditioning. Legacies that we held in earlier times, before Atlantis are returning. Our hearts are responding to the waves and our ancient cells are awakening long forgotten knowledge on how to steer. Love is the bottom line. It moves forth from beyond the realms and carries us with it like a wave between dimensions. It is flowing forth and flowering as we become fragrant with our true story. As each city of light goes online, our life braids form its living matrix, its body and it becomes alive. Information supply and energy can flow in from the universe and life, gratitude, information and joy can flow out. The lines are two way. Meanwhile our feelings of abandonment are passing for we are online, part of a universal flow. Our children can be born into the world uncompromised as each of us experiences our own piece of heaven. Life is a love based form. Whatever assists it will be supported, whatever doesn't can mean a closing of doors. The joy of creation longs for love to fill its blueprint, so it can flower. And so it is that we learn to build up enough energy to induce people into a state of positive action for themselves and all. By doing so, we are honouring our sacred promises, returning the dreaming and assisting a recognition of the full potential of the land. We can build prana by placing crystals in the waters and the earth, returning etheric star templates of a fractal order to our oceans, rivers and sacred sites. We can honour the circles of life and all who have lived here releasing love stories into the fabric of creation. Here is a palace where we can know all of ourselves and put all of ourselves into what we do. Our separation was codified into our cells and it served an important purpose. Now we ride the grand superhighways of all of existence replete with understanding and without losing our essence. Completing the Spheres, Claiming Holy Ground Imagine yourself standing with feet firmly grounded in the crystalline heart of the earth. All around you are many creatures, as well as your soul family. Breathe deeply through your sacred heart, in through the front of your chest and out through the back. Practise greeting every creature and being around you. As you do so you can have full honour for his/her soul journey, heart, family and the conditions that honour their lives, right through time. Welcome the presence of every creature present on the land and of all the creatures the people of these lands have affected in their daily lives right through time As the process completes with one, you can turn and face the next creature, feeling deeply in your heart as your resonance matches and merges, maintaining your contact with the crystalline earth heart. Notice energy moving and changing as you do this. As you turn to face each creature, remaining grounded, be aware of the energies that flow between your heart and that of the crystalline earth heart. It is through this energy of honouring that we are able to bless the journeys of each creature and being through time, blessing our circles of life and reclaiming our guardianship. Through this process we can create a holy firmament, or holy ground, protecting the creatures of our heart and ourselves with our cherishment. We may see the holy ground move out from our lower chakras in every direction as a sheet of light, solid foundations upon which to hold a city of light. Table of Contents Love’s Promise The Love of the Earth - Remembering the Promises - Sacred Contracts, Sacred Lands - - Acknowledging One Another – The Circles of Light - - The Holy Grail and the Grail Cup - - Original Sin - - Transiting Original Sin - - The Chalice and her Fires of Creation - - Filling the Collective Cup of Humanity with the Light of Grace - - Sacred Promises - - Sacred Contracts - Call to the Chosen Land Divine Union - - Masculine and Feminine Qualities of the Heart - 1. Love – The Key to All Understanding - - The Arc of the Covenant - - Freedom through Desire - - Grace - - Love Is - 2. Unconditional Acceptance - - Acknowledging One Another – The Cell of God - 3. Faith – Divine Order - 4. Gratitude – Treasuring the Light – The Milk and Honey of Creation - - Freedom and Surrender - - My Light and My Life – Freedom from Slavery and Conditioning - 5. Trust - Transiting the Ages - 6. Truth and Integrity - - Sovereignty - - Love’s Innocence - - The Sacred Heart - - Twin Souls and Soul Mates - - Collective Dreaming Human Blueprints - LightBodies Cities of Heart-Light - Cities of the Flame - Process for Activating City of Heart-Light - The Heart of the Land - - Animals of the Dreaming - - Elementals - - Blessing of the Waters - - Message from the Sylphs - - Nature Spirits - Story of the Star Elders - Honouring Life - Mermaids - Guardians of the Grids - Shamans and their Power Animals - The World Tree – The Tree of Life - Keepers of the time-space fabric - Forgiveness - -Repentance - Love’s Vortex – The Golden Spiral - The Love Story of Creation - Ending the Wheel of Karma - Completion of Stories - Lines of Light - Spheres of Shambhala - The Sanctity of Holy Ground - The Upunishads/Integrity Pillars - Blueprints for creation - Diamond Star Portals - Tantric Stars - Multiplication of Possibility - Eyes of Understanding, Eyes of Eternity - Creation Signatures – Riding waves of thought into form - Bringing Love to All Life - Flashpoint - Lighting the Spark - Filling the Divine Blueprint with Love, Birthing Light into Form - Relinking the stars – the star paths - -Jesus, Star Paths and the Garden Gate - Creating New Life Paths - Reclaiming the Soul - -The Soul’s Gates - -The Soul’s Journey - Ghosts of the Past - Message from the guides: Cain and Abel - Choice - An End to Separation - Love and the Light of the Real GAIA - The Tantric Heart of Earth - The Causal Chakra of Earth - Gaia and her sisters in the milky way - Gaia and the Holographic Supercomputer of Light - - The Love Story of The Dreaming - Creation and the father stories – One land, one peoples - Journey to Freedom – The Heart’s Path - Plans for Heaven On Earth - Heavenly Gates - Star Temples - The Paradise Garden - The Land of Pan - Heart’s story - Source-worlds - Earth Grids Manifesting in the Light - Creation Codes - Keys to Creation – Creating Heart Aligned Form - Aligning with the mind of God and the heart of truth - The Energy of the Blessings - Synchronicity and Flow - Seed Pods of Creation - Releasing Limitations - Unlocking the Treasure Chest of the Universe - Earth’s Bounty - Manifesting in the Light Questions |
Australia $45 including P/H International $55 including P/H |