Creating Emotional FlowAvailable now on Amazon Kindle, approx.USD$2.99. Please click on country below to purchase or search title directly on Amazon.
US UK AU MX CA DE FR ES IT NL JP BR IN Creating Emotional Flow is a guidebook of counseling techniques, higher perspectives, beliefs to shift, feelings to embrace and emotional states to download designed to assist us to awaken our innate healing capabilities. With over 500 pages of techniques and suggestions for healing over 781 categories from Abandonment and Abundance to Worthiness and Writing compiled over 15 years of therapeutic practice, this edition is designed as a reference guide for healers and the self-healer alike. Speed up your healing practice, gain insights into conditions of the mind and emotions and enjoy your unique journey of 'creating emotional flow'. Scroll down for a list of categories and extract from Creating Emotional Flow. Categories List Abandonment, Aboriginal, Aboriginal – Stolen Generation, Abortion, Abundance, Abuse, Acceptance, Accidents, Accountability, Acknowledgement, Action, Adam and Eve, Addictions, Adultery, Adventure, Affirmations, African Tribes, Agoraphobia, Agreements, Alchemy, Algonquin, Aliveness, Alone, Allowing, Analysis, Ancestors, Angels, Anger, Anglo Saxon, Animals, Annoying, Anxiety and Fight or Flight, Apathy, Apologies, Appearance, Appreciation, Approval, Archangels, Arguments,, Armageddon, Arms Race, Arrogance, Artist, Ascension, Asceticism, Asperger’s, Associations, Astral, Astrology, Atheism, Atlantis, Attachment, Attack, Attention, Aura, Authenticity, Authority, Awareness, Babies, Bahai, Balance, Bards, Beauty, Bedouins, Behaviour, Behaviourism, Beingness, Beliefs, Beliefs about Emotions, Belonging, Betrayal, Bhagavad Gita, Biblical, Bipolar, Disorder, Birds, fear of, Birth, Black Sheep, Blame, Blessings, Blockages, Blueprints, Body, Bonding, Boredom, Boundaries, Brains, Broken heart, Buddhism, Bullying, Burdens, Business, Business Deals, Cain & Abel, Calm, Cao dai, Capitalism, Car Accidents, Care, Career, Cathars / Albigensians, Catholic, Celtic, Chakras, Challenges, Change, Channelling, Chaos, Charisma, Childhood, Children, Chimpanzees, China, Ancient, Choice, Christianity, Christian Persecution, Church, Circumcision, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance (Intuition), Clarity, Class System, Classical Period, Claustrophobia, Clients, attracting, Commitment, Communication, Communism, Community, Comparison, Compassion, Competence, Competition, Compliance, Completion, Compromise, Compulsive, Concentration, Concepts, Conditioning, Confidence, Conflict, Conformity, Confrontation, Confucius, Confucius, Men, Confucius, Women, Confusion, Connection, Consideration, Constructs, Consumerism/Always wanting more, Contentment, Contracts, Contribution, Control and Letting go, Convicts, Convict Children, Convict Women, Corporations, Corsairs, Counter, dependence, Courage, Courses, filling, Courtly Love, Cowboys, Crazy, Creativity, Crime, Crisis, Criticism, Culture, Curses, Customs, Danger, Darwinism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Death, Debt, Decision making, Defences, Deism, Demanding, Demons, Denial, Dependence, Depression, Descartes, Desire, Destiny, Destroyer, Detachment, Determination, Devas, Devil, Different, Dimensions, Direction, Disappointment, Disassociation, Discernment, Discipline, Disconnection, Disputes, Divination, Divinity, Divorce, Dolphins, Domination, Doubt, Dragon, Drama, Dreamer, Dreams, Drug Addiction, Druids, Dualism, Dyslexia, Earth, Earth Work, Eckanar, Economics, Education, Efficiency, Ego, Egypt, Elders, Elements, Elephants, Elizabethan, Elves, Emotional Flow, Emotions, Empathy, Emperor, Emptiness, Encouragement, Enemies, Energy, Enjoying Life, Enlightenment, Environment, Envy, Equality, Essence, Essenes, Ethnic Cleansing, Excitement, Excuses, Exercise, Expectation, Experience, Expression, Ex, Relationships, Experience, Expression, Evil, Failure, Fairies, Faith, Family, Famine, Fantasy, Farmers, Fate, Father, Fear, Feedback, receiving, Feelings, Fertility, Filters, Five Body System, Fixing, Flattery, Flexibility, Flow, Flying, Focus, Food, Foot Binding, Forgiveness, Frames of reference, Free Will, Freedom, Freud, Friends, Frustration, Fulfilment, Fun, Fundamentalism, Future, Galactic healings, Gambling Addiction, Gender, Genes, Gentleness, Ghosts, Gift, Giving, Giving up, Gladiators, Gnosis, Goals, God, Goddess, Gods, Gold Rush, Good, Goodbyes, Grace, Gratitude, Great Depression, Greece (Ancient), Greed, Grief, Grounded, Group work, Guidance, Guides, Guilt, Gullible, Guru, Gypsies, Habits, Hallucinating, Happiness, Hare Krishna, Harmony, Hatred, Healers, Healing, Health, Hedonism, Heights, Hell, Helping, Helpless, Hermeticism, Hero, Higher Self Connection, Hinduism, History, Home, Honesty, Hope, House, new, Human, Humanitarian, Humanity, Humility, Ideas, Ideation, Identity, Idol, Illness, Illusion, Image, Imagination, Immigration, Importance, Impotence, Imprinting, Impulse, Independence, Incest, Independence, Indigenous, Industry, Inferior, Information, Initiation, Initiative, Inner child, Innocence, Inquisition, Insanity, Insecurity, Insomnia, Instincts, Integrity, Intelligence, Intention, Intimacy, Introvert, Intuition, Invasion/Colonisation, Invisible, Jainism, Jealousy/Envy, Jesus, Journey, Joy, Judaism, Judgement, Jung, Justice, Justification, Ka, Kabbalah, Karma, Kindness, Kings, Knights, Knights Templar, Knowingness, Law, Leadership, Left Out, Legacy, Lemuria, Leprechauns, Lessons, Letting go, Life, Life, purpose, Light, Light Beings, Light Body, Light Workers, Limits, Listening, Lizards, Lonely, Love, Loving Yourself, Luck, Lust, Magicians, Maldek, Malta, (Ancient), Manifesting, Manipulation, Marketing, Marriage, Martyr, Mary, Masculine/Feminine, Mastery, Materialism, Matriarchy, Mayan, Media, Medicine (Western), Medieval, Meditation, Memory, Men, Mental Illness, Mermaids, Mermen, Military, Mind, Minerals, Miners, Mis-relationships, Mission, Missionaries, Mistakes, Money, Monks, Monkeys, Monogamy, Moods, Morality, Mormon, Mother, Motivation, Movement, Moving forward, Multiple Personality Disorder, Music, Narcissism, Nationalism, Native, American, Nature, Nature Spirits, Nazi, Needs, Negativity, Nervous, Neuroses, Nice, Nomads, Nordic, Normal, Nothing, Now, Nuns, Nurturing, Nuisance, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Obstacles, Old Wives Tales, Oneness, Open Brethren, Opinions, Opportunities, Oppression, Orang-utans, Organisation, Orphans, Others, Overwhelm, Pagan, Pain, Painting, Pan, Pandora, Panic Attacks, Paranoia, Parenting, Parents, Passion, Past, Past/Future, Past lives, Path, Patience, Patriarchy, Patterns, Peace, Perceptions, Perfectionism, Persecution, Perspective, Personal Development Courses, Personality, Philosophy, Phobias, Physical Appearance, Piety, Pilgrims, Pirates, Planning, Plants, Play, Pleasure, Pleiadians, Polarity, Police state, Politics, Polynesian, Positivity, Possibility, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Poverty, Power, Practical, Prayer, Preference, Pregnancy, Prejudice, Presence, Pressure, Pretence, Pride, Priests, Priestess, Prince, Princess, Prioritising, Probability, Problems, Processing, Procrastination, Productivity, Projection, Prophets, Prosperity, Prostitutes, Protection, Protestant reformers, Protestants, Psychics, Psychology, Psychosis, Public Speaking, Punishment, Purification, Puritanism, Purpose, Queens, Racism, Rage, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Reality, Rebellion, Receiving, Recognition, Reflection, Regret, Rejection, Relationships, Relationship Addictions, Relationships, ex, Relaxation, Religion, Repression, Reputation, Rescuing, Resentment, Resistance, Respect, Responsibility, Revenge, Revolution, Rewards, Rich, Right/Having, to be Right, Risk, Rituals, Roles, Roman, Roman women, Romantic love, relationships, Roseau, Rosicrucian, Running away, Sabotage, Sacrifice, Sadness, Safety, Sailors, Sales, Satan, Satanism, Scapegoat, Scepticism, Schizophrenia, Science, Secrets, Security, Self-esteem, Self-image, Self, knowledge, Self-love, Self-pity, Self respect, Self worth, Selfishness, Sensitivity/Over-sensitivity, Separation, Servants, Service, Settlers, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shadow, Shamanism, Shaman Persecution, Shame, Shy, Siblings, Sickness, Sikhism, Sirians, Skills, Slaves, Sleep/Insomnia, Smoking, Society, Solitude, Soul, Soul Contracts, Soul, Codes, Soul Expressions, Soul Family, Soul’ Journey, Soul Mates, Soul, Purpose, Source, Sovereignty, Speaking up, Spiders, Spirit, Spiritual abuse, Spiritual growth, Spiritual Self, Spirituality, Spoilsport, Spoilt, Sport, Stability, Standards, Starseeds, Status, Still, Strength, Stress, Struggle, Stubborn, Stuck, Study, Subconscious, Submission, Subpersonalities, Substance, Success, Suffering, Suicidal, Sun Worship, Superior, Support, Surrender, Survival, Susceptibility, Sylphs, Synchronicity, Tact, Tall Poppies, Teaching, Technology, Teenagers, Telepathy, Teleportation, Television, Threats, Thoughtforms, Thoughts, Time, Tolerance, Totalitarianism, Touch, Training, Trapped, Trauma, Travel/Adventure, Tribes, Trouble, True self, Trust, Truth, and Authenticity, Twin Soul, Uncertainty, Unconditional Love, Understanding, Unique, Universe, Unmet Needs, Utopia, Validation, Values, Vanity, Vedruss, Vestal Virgin, Vibrancy, Vibration, Victims, Victimhood, Victorian, Vikings, Violence, Vision, Vitality, Vulnerability, Waldensians, War, Warrior, Water,, fear of, Weak, Wearing Other People’s Feelings, Weary, Weight Gain, Weight, Loss, Western, Whales, White Supremacy, Wholeness, Will, Wind, Winning, Wisdom, Witch, Withdrawal, Withholding, Women, Work, Workaholic, World, Worry, Worthiness, Writing, Youth Extract from Creating Emotional Flow - Shame Shame about ways of behaving and expressing ourselves can be transmitted through the generations. Some shame can be useful, for example, shame about imposing on other people’s boundaries or hurting people. Shame can tell us what is and isn’t appropriate in a social situation. Problems arise when shame surrounds our own self expression, limiting our ability to feel our feelings and be ourselves. For example, Jack was told to be a big boy and not to cry as a child. Jack has a son, Stewart. Stewart falls over, grazes his knee and starts to cry and Jack feels uncomfortable. He has suppressed his own tears and feels his son needs to toughen up. He tells his son to stop crying and ‘take it like a man’. If a carer criticises us or is rigid and dogmatic in reference to our behaviour there is a high probability that the same behaviour was denied to them by their carer/s. We tend to criticise the talents and impulses that we have been taught not to own and may even have the feeling that something is wrong with our children if they express in these ways. Shame can create a kind of denied self where certain traits or emotions are OK and others aren’t. In the case of our example tears can go underground causing all sorts of stress and may end up being expressed inappropriately. We may also project our disowned traits and emotions onto our partners and criticise them. For example Stewart may tease his wife for crying or find his wife’s crying unacceptable. Michelle had been overweight as a child and was sometimes left out at school. Her mother was worried and encouraged her to make more friends and join in. When Michelle’s daughter, Joanne, entered into a phase of individuation as a child she stopped playing with her friends all the time and started to enjoy reading. This caused intense feelings of shame for Michelle. Michelle started to come into Joanne’s room whenever she was reading and tell her to call her friends. Joanne began to get confused about her preferences to socialise or spend time alone. She started thinking that she should be out with friends even when she wanted to be alone and that she should be friends with everyone. This meant lots of socialising even when she didn’t feel like it and feelings of shame around being alone. Healing with a broad intention Ask the guidance team to initiate the ‘Start it’ macro in relation to shame. Highest perspective Highest perspective on the events, circumstances and people that cause me shame I know what it feels like to have my needs met for: Having my feelings recognised and accepted Having my privacy respected Having my self expression recognised and accepted Beliefs I am not acceptable I will never be acceptable I have to strive for acceptance I am a freak What I want is not OK Who I am is not OK Something is terribly wrong with me It’s my entire fault Mum/Dad doesn’t love me Mum/Dad won’t be there for me when I need him/her It is my fault if my mother/father is angry I’m ashamed of myself I’m flawed by shame I have to hide my shame I have to cover my shame I have to confront my shame Shame is my identity Shame is my true self My shame is internalised I’m a bad person What I did was wrong I’m worthless I’m helpless I’m cut off from the group I have no shame I have to hide and deny my shame There is something wrong with me I am a mistake I have done something wrong I made a mistake What I do is no good I’m humiliated I’m cut off from my support I’m cut off from the human race I am a mistake I am broken I am wrong I am defective I am bad I’m no good I have to suppress my shame Others fit in and I don’t There’s no way to connect I have to know everything I can never make a mistake I’m the only one who gets it wrong I’m not supposed to be here I know nothing I’m rejected There is something wrong with me If anyone finds out what I’m feeling/thinking I will die of embarrassment I’m doomed to bring shame on my family I’m a miserable sinner I have to withdraw from society What I want is wrong What I need is wrong Abilities I know how to: Release old shame Recognise my own innocence See who I really am Be in touch with my own impulses See my hidden talents Integrate my hidden traits Recognise which emotions my mother allowed herself to accessRecognise which emotions my father allowed himself to access Recognise what I reject about myself Live without taking on negative energy from others Detach from other people’s desires for my life Be true to myself, my values and my path Recognise I am beautiful and perfect just as I am Accept myself as I am Understand shame Source my thoughts about myself from the Divine mind Understand my needs Understand myself Recognise my equality in the eyes of the Divine Release old shame Release old humiliation and embarrassment Live without being ashamed Recognise my wholeness Recognise my innocence Live without blaming myself Live without comparing myself to others Live without feeling unworthy for what I haven’t learned Heal the scars of shame Release shame from my genes Heal old wounds Recognise old shame Release shame about my physical appearance Recognise and value my contributions Embrace true humility Love myself Enjoy the process of learning Recognise my achievements Know what it feels like to be able to depend on someone as a child Correct myself without criticism Feel part of a family Feel part of the human race Be allowed to make mistakes without being ridiculed Be allowed to make mistakes without being yelled at/shamed Stand alone Live without thinking I am broken/defective Release the weight of old shame Free myself from having to shame myself |
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