Bodhisattva Planet - A tantra of Cause
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Bodhisattva Planet (2790 downloads) has recently been re-edited and combined with Twin Soul Initiations in the Dreamtime and The Tantra of Co-creation to form the trilogy Love's Greatest Gift: Cherishing the Flame (4290 downloads).
Extract from Bodhisattva Planet section of Love's Greatest Gift: Cherishing the Flame
Inviting others to their Source
When Isiah and I sit to practise his songs, I feel a sense of wholeness. At the end of one of them a sphere appears and I find myself jumping inside of it, feeling like I have jumped into a world of Source. Later as I meditate, it feels like what I unlock when I’m with him becomes present in me, that I am rich with a light of kingdoms.
Through love shared and self-acceptance, I seem to access alchemy and transformation, and in cultivating unconditional love for self and all, it feels like it’s possible to transcend drives for separation.
From a perspective of Source light, all is on a journey of love, with a choice for joy beyond harm in an actualisation of soul. As I open my heart and speak truth, I feel myself transcending competition and separation and freely expressing kindness, encouragement and support, sometimes through acts of nurturing, or perhaps conveying an awareness of unconditional acceptance for all that has happened on a soul’s journey.
From a heart and purity of an I Am I feel a light that lives through me, feeling hearts and souls gently with unconditional love. Where I live from my heart, from acceptance, different kinds of creation are possible. Guided and protected by a bliss that lives in the heart of Great Spirit I feel myself offering unconditional acceptance and love beyond time, bringing a feeling of love and joy that can keep reaching, an invitation of release from bondage to a great dance of union, not observing so much yet simply being with an understanding that events and circumstances are playing themselves out, offering an invitation to return, yet never forcing.
Through an embodiment of planetary good, in witness of journeys, heart open in the heart of the One, I’m finding a way to love powerfully and peacefully with kindness and wisdom, feeling that where one walks beyond cause and effect and lives in equanimity, wanting what is best, it is possible for another to truly open.
Despite anger, loss of faith, or what I feel to be lack of choice, a path between hearts remains balanced, an open door as what seems to come between is transcended.
Conditions, relationships, I see the wings of all in the same moment I see my own and the temples I learn glow a kind of blood gold, for every prayer an answer, for every situation a way.
When inviting others to a world of cause, it can be helpful to do so gently. For on entering a world where hearts harmonise, a soul may need to release ideas of being in control, not being good enough, not being heard, or feeling wrong. In a truth of worlds, none of this exists, for in the Source heart I Am loved and cared for, seen and nourished, blessed to bring forth gifts, and heard in my concerns. Where gentleness of heart is such as to have entered consideration for life, it is possible to have the heart and mind of Source reveal itself, along with the ways it likes to expand.
In the dimensional fields of earth I am not expected to be perfect. In many cases, others may step in to assist me. It may be worth noting however, that if a being shows resistance to grace, isn’t ready to learn the lessons it entails or dishonours in some way, it may be appropriate to step away as guided.
For example, in suffering from feeling lack of love, it is possible one may reject another’s love so that they are not challenged to think less of those who may not have been able to offer grace or love, such as a partner or parents.
Feeling a challenge to the level of good present within parents can sometime trigger powerful survival instincts developed during childhood. So it may be that offering love to an adult who felt they didn’t receive an adequate amount of love in childhood may cause them to become angry or upset. It may be appropriate in a situation like this for a being offering unconditional love and grace to step away, returning as another is able to surrender fully to being loved unconditionally.
In meeting another who is ready to feel a possibility of a Source world it can sometimes be helpful to remain silent and present, feeling the uplift. If another is ready, I can usually feel them step into a new world peacefully and with ease.
If not ready, they may perceive themselves to be disconnected from some aspect of love or power or to be undergoing some kind of initiation, for example learning to love themselves in ways that they may not have been able to feel from others, knowing what it feels like to activate or complete a soul’s purpose, knowing what it feels like to speak gently and be heard or to have reasonable requests acted on in a sanctuary of council. Souls that are completing these initiations are not being tested or tricked so much as honoured on a journey of love’s return for worlds of cause exist on love’s vibration and are formed by those who can meet there and interact.
For these reasons, when one has entered and lives in a temple of cause it may be wise to follow one’s guidance as to whether or how often to be around another physically, to honour their journey, as well as one’s own. A soul who can balance in worlds of cause will usually be able to demonstrate qualities of being grounded and able to interact with others in a relaxed way for the good of all. In a planetary initiatory system, each evolving being has a choice to enter worlds within their own timing.
I can choose to see others with a purity of grace, accepting what is given and expressed for the highest, giving and expressing in truth unconditionally. With this intention held and made, the grace that lights my chosen lands is love.
In clearing relationships with life to mutual respect, I set myself free and in relating with one another, sometimes choose to ascertain that the other truly wants what is best for all. If there is a perceived disconnection it may be a sign the other hasn’t yet mastered an initiation of sharing heart.
Through an embodiment of planetary good, in witness of the journeys of a people, hearts open in the heart of the One, each may discover a way to love powerfully with kindness and wisdom. Where one walks beyond cause and effect and live in equanimity, wanting what is best, it is possible for another to truly open.
One of the most powerful initiations I have experienced is to make something available and if a soul is living beyond harm, not insist upon anything for however souls dance, great variety can be great beauty to the heart of Source.
Between us we had an ability to awaken entire populations of planets to respect and honour for gifting between life forms. Our reciprocities in divine union; a granting and blessing of seeds, our treasuring of what could grow. Living at one with nature, it was interesting that he felt we could share it, not necessarily by staying in nature’s clear light yet by expressing openly through feelings and words. We walked from the haven we had braided and dived willingly, only to create it over and over, for beauty sees as beauty does.
I know how to:
Recognise the light of infinite creation
Recognise the ease with which light-based intentions manifest
Recognise which connections serve my highest flow
Integrate upgrades to DNA for the highest good
And when to surrender
Honour what another brings
Recognise when a connection is revealing higher connections between community
Recognise the power of co-creators
Love myself as a sacred aspect of Creator/Creatress
Honour the divine truth
Set myself free to flourish
Feel divine beauty manifesting through my intentions
Feel the essence of beauty unfolding through my creations
Feel free to flourish
Honour my highest soul callings
Recognise the divinity within and between souls
Recognise a higher path unfolding
Know the feeling of being completely nourished by nature
Know what it feels like to recognise the creatures of a heart light in their truth
Know what it feels like to meet nature in its truth
Nourish myself with nature’s gifts
Live in alignment with nature
Feel the Creator’s hands and heart nourish me on a path of life
Recognise the joy in co-creating in alignment with life
Where light becomes love becomes truth, I dream to find the starboard river. Child of the river song, greet the patient heart that shines within. I love you and the dawn is gold, a witness to the rays that find you dancing, open to our own dreams, we meet a loving universe within.
Bodhisattva Planet (2790 downloads) has recently been re-edited and combined with Twin Soul Initiations in the Dreamtime and The Tantra of Co-creation to form the trilogy Love's Greatest Gift: Cherishing the Flame (4290 downloads).
Extract from Bodhisattva Planet section of Love's Greatest Gift: Cherishing the Flame
Inviting others to their Source
When Isiah and I sit to practise his songs, I feel a sense of wholeness. At the end of one of them a sphere appears and I find myself jumping inside of it, feeling like I have jumped into a world of Source. Later as I meditate, it feels like what I unlock when I’m with him becomes present in me, that I am rich with a light of kingdoms.
Through love shared and self-acceptance, I seem to access alchemy and transformation, and in cultivating unconditional love for self and all, it feels like it’s possible to transcend drives for separation.
From a perspective of Source light, all is on a journey of love, with a choice for joy beyond harm in an actualisation of soul. As I open my heart and speak truth, I feel myself transcending competition and separation and freely expressing kindness, encouragement and support, sometimes through acts of nurturing, or perhaps conveying an awareness of unconditional acceptance for all that has happened on a soul’s journey.
From a heart and purity of an I Am I feel a light that lives through me, feeling hearts and souls gently with unconditional love. Where I live from my heart, from acceptance, different kinds of creation are possible. Guided and protected by a bliss that lives in the heart of Great Spirit I feel myself offering unconditional acceptance and love beyond time, bringing a feeling of love and joy that can keep reaching, an invitation of release from bondage to a great dance of union, not observing so much yet simply being with an understanding that events and circumstances are playing themselves out, offering an invitation to return, yet never forcing.
Through an embodiment of planetary good, in witness of journeys, heart open in the heart of the One, I’m finding a way to love powerfully and peacefully with kindness and wisdom, feeling that where one walks beyond cause and effect and lives in equanimity, wanting what is best, it is possible for another to truly open.
Despite anger, loss of faith, or what I feel to be lack of choice, a path between hearts remains balanced, an open door as what seems to come between is transcended.
Conditions, relationships, I see the wings of all in the same moment I see my own and the temples I learn glow a kind of blood gold, for every prayer an answer, for every situation a way.
When inviting others to a world of cause, it can be helpful to do so gently. For on entering a world where hearts harmonise, a soul may need to release ideas of being in control, not being good enough, not being heard, or feeling wrong. In a truth of worlds, none of this exists, for in the Source heart I Am loved and cared for, seen and nourished, blessed to bring forth gifts, and heard in my concerns. Where gentleness of heart is such as to have entered consideration for life, it is possible to have the heart and mind of Source reveal itself, along with the ways it likes to expand.
In the dimensional fields of earth I am not expected to be perfect. In many cases, others may step in to assist me. It may be worth noting however, that if a being shows resistance to grace, isn’t ready to learn the lessons it entails or dishonours in some way, it may be appropriate to step away as guided.
For example, in suffering from feeling lack of love, it is possible one may reject another’s love so that they are not challenged to think less of those who may not have been able to offer grace or love, such as a partner or parents.
Feeling a challenge to the level of good present within parents can sometime trigger powerful survival instincts developed during childhood. So it may be that offering love to an adult who felt they didn’t receive an adequate amount of love in childhood may cause them to become angry or upset. It may be appropriate in a situation like this for a being offering unconditional love and grace to step away, returning as another is able to surrender fully to being loved unconditionally.
In meeting another who is ready to feel a possibility of a Source world it can sometimes be helpful to remain silent and present, feeling the uplift. If another is ready, I can usually feel them step into a new world peacefully and with ease.
If not ready, they may perceive themselves to be disconnected from some aspect of love or power or to be undergoing some kind of initiation, for example learning to love themselves in ways that they may not have been able to feel from others, knowing what it feels like to activate or complete a soul’s purpose, knowing what it feels like to speak gently and be heard or to have reasonable requests acted on in a sanctuary of council. Souls that are completing these initiations are not being tested or tricked so much as honoured on a journey of love’s return for worlds of cause exist on love’s vibration and are formed by those who can meet there and interact.
For these reasons, when one has entered and lives in a temple of cause it may be wise to follow one’s guidance as to whether or how often to be around another physically, to honour their journey, as well as one’s own. A soul who can balance in worlds of cause will usually be able to demonstrate qualities of being grounded and able to interact with others in a relaxed way for the good of all. In a planetary initiatory system, each evolving being has a choice to enter worlds within their own timing.
I can choose to see others with a purity of grace, accepting what is given and expressed for the highest, giving and expressing in truth unconditionally. With this intention held and made, the grace that lights my chosen lands is love.
In clearing relationships with life to mutual respect, I set myself free and in relating with one another, sometimes choose to ascertain that the other truly wants what is best for all. If there is a perceived disconnection it may be a sign the other hasn’t yet mastered an initiation of sharing heart.
Through an embodiment of planetary good, in witness of the journeys of a people, hearts open in the heart of the One, each may discover a way to love powerfully with kindness and wisdom. Where one walks beyond cause and effect and live in equanimity, wanting what is best, it is possible for another to truly open.
One of the most powerful initiations I have experienced is to make something available and if a soul is living beyond harm, not insist upon anything for however souls dance, great variety can be great beauty to the heart of Source.
Between us we had an ability to awaken entire populations of planets to respect and honour for gifting between life forms. Our reciprocities in divine union; a granting and blessing of seeds, our treasuring of what could grow. Living at one with nature, it was interesting that he felt we could share it, not necessarily by staying in nature’s clear light yet by expressing openly through feelings and words. We walked from the haven we had braided and dived willingly, only to create it over and over, for beauty sees as beauty does.
I know how to:
Recognise the light of infinite creation
Recognise the ease with which light-based intentions manifest
Recognise which connections serve my highest flow
Integrate upgrades to DNA for the highest good
And when to surrender
Honour what another brings
Recognise when a connection is revealing higher connections between community
Recognise the power of co-creators
Love myself as a sacred aspect of Creator/Creatress
Honour the divine truth
Set myself free to flourish
Feel divine beauty manifesting through my intentions
Feel the essence of beauty unfolding through my creations
Feel free to flourish
Honour my highest soul callings
Recognise the divinity within and between souls
Recognise a higher path unfolding
Know the feeling of being completely nourished by nature
Know what it feels like to recognise the creatures of a heart light in their truth
Know what it feels like to meet nature in its truth
Nourish myself with nature’s gifts
Live in alignment with nature
Feel the Creator’s hands and heart nourish me on a path of life
Recognise the joy in co-creating in alignment with life
Where light becomes love becomes truth, I dream to find the starboard river. Child of the river song, greet the patient heart that shines within. I love you and the dawn is gold, a witness to the rays that find you dancing, open to our own dreams, we meet a loving universe within.